Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Wreath Pillow

So Pink Chalk Studio is hosting a Countdown to Christmas which consists of a set of tutorials, one for each day and there's just so much there I would have loved to do. However, my tight schedule didn't exactly allow me to try all. So I decided to try my favourite for a pillow I wanted to do to match my new table topper and quilt. I went with day five Made by Marci Girl Designs which was a take on Lily's quilts tutorial.

This is my premature start of my new years resolution for this year (tackle my sewing fears, more on that later) in that it was my very first attempt at curved piecing, and to be honest, at this point in the process I was more then a little panicked: 

However, I have to say it turned out really great! I just love it! The bow is attached with Velcro and can be taken off for naps ^^ And I have to say thank you for those of you who offered encouraging words on my custom quilting attempt on the Flurry Presents quilt, as that's what made me dare to do it again on the pillow and I couldn't be happier. Loving the pebbling (that was so much fun!) and the wreath.


Fancy Folded Star

And I'm also honoured to be featured on Pink Chalk Studios countdown to Christmas yesterday myself with my Fancy Folded Star tutorial. 

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Snowflake table topper

Since I needed something a bit less summery then my Summer Squares Table Topper for the table, I decided to whip up a quick one from some of my Flurry scraps. Ended up playing a lot with my decorative stitches when quilting it since I now can use them perfectly again after my beloved Horizon was given some TLC by the service guy =)


Please vote in the Quilting Gallery Christmas Contest

I've participated with my Flurry quilt in the weekly contest over at the Quilting Gallery, and it would  be great if you hopped over and voted: Vote for your favorite Christmas quilts.

There are a ton of stunning entries so go over there and take a look =)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Gifts for a friends birthday

 A dear friend of mine is getting a year older in a few days and she said when we where out last time that'd she'd love to have a cover for her cellphone. So I traced it on the back of some paper I had in my pocket and then saved it for this very occasion =)

She's a super sweet girl and loves pink just like me, so here's what I came up with. The cellphone cover has a matching little purse to keep make-up and stuff you don't want rolling around in your purse. I made the bottom flat so it wouldn't take up too much room. Fabric is mostly Sunkissed scraps (yes, still from the same jelly roll as I made my Sunkissed Squares quilt, table topper, table runner and pillow with, there's so much fabric in a jelly roll!) and a little Kona coal. Isn't the little music not adorable?

 Back of the little purse, added a few studs. Please keep your fingers crossed for me that she'll like it and that her phone will fit.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Free Motion Quilting on your home machine - a tip for less friction!

Tried and true, this is just the best!

I've read a lot about ways to make FMQ on ones home machine easier and the use of silicone on the sewing machine bed, or tools like the Supreme Slider. Despite really wanting to try the Supreme Slider, I didn't feel I could justify the purchase of something so expensive right now that I didn't know if it'd actually make a big difference for me or not. So I decided to try and find silicone spray that was safe for use on fabric instead. Just to see if it would make a difference - no luck. This is Malta and no one had heard of such a thing and looked at me like I was crazy when I asked around XD

So while ironing down some appliqué shapes, I realized I had a Teflon sheet in my hand and yes, it was super slippery of course! The light went on and I decided to try and use it to make my own Teflon slider! I just made a small hole for the needle with my paper scissors and taped it down with some painters tape (leaves no residue, really easy to lift to change bobbin and cheap) and I gave it a go. Really wish I'd known what a difference it would make from day one! It sooo much easier to FMQ when the quilt doesn't drag or snag! I've used this sheet for my last two quilts and I'll never FMQ without it again that's for sure!

So I really recommend trying this if you FMQ on your home machine, it really made a world of difference, not just in result, but also in how tired my arms, neck and back got. When I get a chance I'll probably buy a supreme slider but for now, this sheet is my best friend! =D

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Flurry Finish!

My Flurry Presents Quilt is finally finished! It was my first attempt at anything but an all over quilt design, and while it's far from perfect, I'm really glad I tried. However I think I'm not really "there" yet as my skill is much to low for it to looks really good. Which is why I've decided that this year will be my FMQ year! I really want to get better at it so I've decided to participate in SewCalGal's Freemotion Quilting Challenge. I can't wait to get started! Why not join you too? The more the merrier! =)

I also thought I'd show you what excellent help I have always when sewing and working on my quilts, Diana is here making use of her skills as "professional" quilt tester, and yes it works nicely as a bed.

And she also tested that it works as a quilt when I was attaching the binding, she wanted me to let you know - it's very cosy! =) She's so silly, she thinks it's cold inside at night now so she's always burrowing under stuff, it's adorable! She also sleeps under the covers at night again now, that's what I love most about the winter season apart from getting to cuddle up under my favorite quilts, she sleeps on my arm all night. <3

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Winner of My Memories Software!

The winner is Susan!

She said: " I blogged about your giveaway in between my advent posts"
Susan, I'll email you with the code to claim your copy of the my memories software shortly =)

 Thanks to those who participated! <3

Just use this promo code at checkout: STMMMS12916

Friday, December 9, 2011

Quilting all the way!

So to keep my sanity in this HD crash disaster I decided to start quilting my Flurry Quilt. Since I can't work for real anyway, apart from when I can borrow Andreas computer and that gives me quite a lot of time to quilt. So every downside have an upside right? After having seen this gorgeous version that Natalia over at Piece N Quilt quilted for one of her clients I got so inspired that I decided to try something that wasn't a fail safe all over design this time =)

So while I'm far away from her amazing result, I'm quite happy with my swirls despite them being anything but perfect (this is a major step for perfectionist me! Am I growing up? ^^) and I'm having a ton of fun planning how to quilt the presents and the border!

So I went off in search for inspiration over at my favourite quilters and after reading this tutorial for a Diamond Sashing over at Green Fairy Quilts I think I might dare to try something with straight lines in it but FMQ, cool right? I was stunned with happiness when I read it! I thought I'd never be able to FMQ straight lines, but the secret was so simple and right in front of me on my cutting table the whole time... Yes I'm a bit embarrassed that I hadn't thought of using a ruler for it it on my own - but now that I know: Wohoo! Here I come straight lines! =D


If you're looking for the My Memories Suite give away, it can be found here, still 1 day left to enter! =)