Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Think Pink

This little bracelet was made when I almost had run out of materials and I only had enough pewter thread to make two little three strand braids. I thought that was a little bit boring to only use those so after some playing around with a beautiful bright pink ribbon - this was the end result, have never seen anything similar actually and I'm quite proud of it ^^

Header bracelet

The bracelet in my header is actually my newest creation, it's made for a fantastic woman named Mia who hosts the most amazingly fun quilting courses in Våmhus each summer and I made this a small thank you gift to her. Visit her site here:

White and Pink

Two bracelets made with white lambskin base, a pink suede for a mid-strand for the five strand braid and two four strand braids surrounding the main braid. One is mine, and the other I gave to a friend.

Sami jewelery

I figured I'd start a blog to share one of my major interests with the world, the making of Sami bracelets and jewelery. My idea is to down the line not only show off my works but to also teach you how to make your own braids and bracelets. But I'll start slow =)

The making of Sami bracelets are a beautiful tradition from the Norths of Sweden where the Sami people still live today with their caribous (reindeer). These bracelets are inspired from such ancient crafts, made with peweter and silver or copper threads, from caribou and lambskin with antler buttons - but spiced up a bit to fit today's fashion and ideals.