
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

My Mom Visited!!

My mother and step dad (feels so wrong to call him that, he's awesome!) Hasse visited us for week a short while back and not only did we have a lovely time (despite a rather intense sand storm for a few days) but she also taught me how to crochet! I had no idea how fun and relaxing this activity was (relaxing after I'd learned not to grip the needle like my life depended on it, I bent it a couple of times actually ^^ ).

We made flowers!! Lot's and lots of flowers! Mom made the hearts for me and a few of the flowers but I did make quite a few of them myself =)

My first flower to the left and to the right of it, my most advanced one so far ^^

Mom also brought a fantastic gift! A Gutermann thread set, which is pretty much the dream to own! =D
Behind each of the threads is the color number, so you don't even have to save the old spools, you can just look at the number to replace a color or buy more, super handy! 

Today's confession: Sometimes I open it just to stroke the pretty colors for a while, really makes me happy and calm =) Thank you mom and I miss you already! <3


  1. Glad to read aboutnyour new skill! And what a fab box, better than a fancy make up kit. I totally understand that you may want to handle the spools, they are so nice!

  2. Tusen tack för en underbar vecka, älskling! Du är sååå duktig med virkningen och visst är det underbar avkoppling att sitta och låta blommorna växa fram!
    Massor med kramisar

  3. Så söta du kan du...
    snart snart snart...

  4. Härlig moder du har!!
    Så fin virkning och det är lite svårt att sluta när man väl kommit igång.

    Kram Gudrun


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