
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Tova Has Finished Elementary School!

My sewing student Tova, who's become a really talented little seamstress during our 3 years together is finished with elementary school. But sadly for me, this means that our sewing classes also have ended. I couldn't be prouder of her and we've learned so much together!

She finished with a bang and we made a really cool sweater for her and of course the final thing we made for her class was a sami bracelet. =)

The Jacket

Tovas super cool jacket, made from this Simplicity Pattern: 1940 Misses' Jackets Designed with Love By Sara :

We decided to skip the shoulder decorations as we felt it would be too much, and I'm really happy with the outcome. Look at those pretty seams! I couldn't possibly be prouder of her work! =D

Sami Bracelet

 Then she also made a sami bracelet which turned out beautiful!

Needless to say, she got the top grade, an A in her sewing class! I couldn't be prouder Tova, keep on creating! <3

1 comment:

  1. Jag håller fullständigt med; fortsätt skapa, Tova, det blir sååå snyggt allt du gör!


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