
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Modern Baby Boy Quilt

I've got a few baby quilt in the works, and due to workload they've been in the works for quite some time...
This is one of them being laid out. It's based on a quilt pattern made by Oh Fransson. I started with these squares which I thought worked quite well. I looks nice, happy and I thought it all worked quite nicely together.

But as I was adding the missing squares I realized that the green stripy fabric from the Twirl line didn't work at all, there was too much white in it as you can see when it's all laid out. So I'm currently in the process of unpicking those and replacing it with something greener.

I'm also sketching on an applique, I think I might have something that will work. It's a little crazy but might go over, do you think adding a little red to this in applique form would be really weird? Maybe it's better to stick to blues and greens?

And yes, I really, really do need a design wall again!


  1. Tycker den är helt underbar i sina block precis som du har lagt ut den. Spännande med något rött!

  2. Vilken läcker quilt! Jag spånar själv på att sy en baby quilt, för vi får snart en ny kusin i familjen. Frågan är bara - en flicka eller pojke?

    Kul att jag hittade hit;)

  3. Så babyfint och läckert modernt.
    Hälsningar Pirjo
    (som bara jobbar med att få Jaya klar för avsegling.)
    Det enda jag syr just nu är kapellväv.......gissa om Janomen morrar :o)


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