Sunday, April 1, 2012

Meeting a quilting friend

About a week ago I had the pleasure of meeting up with a friend from my summer quilt retreat, Dominika who was visiting Malta with a friend. We grabbed a cup of coffee and talked about this and that and of course quilting, trying to persuade her friend to try it (you know us junkies, always trying to drag everyone down with us ^^). She is such a sweetheart and had brought me a bunch of magazines (some of my favorite ones too, like Amelia, how she knew I'll never know) and two quilt magazines!
Imagine my surprise when she tells me to flip through the Swedish one, and in it I found a tutorial by one of my favorite quilters, Pirjo! Super fun!

Thank you so very much Dominika! <3

I've been slowly reading these and trying to start this years tan carefully on the balcony when I've taken  a few minutes of "breaks for sanity". =)


  1. Kul med lite besök. Dominika vet vad en quiltande quinna behöver......
    Ps. tack för berömmet...blir nästan lite roserad om kinderna ............/Pirjo

  2. Härliga överraskningar, du får då! Läs en sida då och då så räcker de länge.


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