
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Stash Stack Club August & November

Like I told you my August Stash Stack got lost in the mail, I've had contact with the lovely people at Pink Castle Fabrics and this month we realized we had to consider it lost, so they immediately cut me a new stack and sent it! Pink Castle Fabrics customer service is simply great and I couldn't be happier, topping it with the super fast shipping and it's just an awesome store (and no, I'm not getting paid by them *lol*).

It arrived today and it's LOVELY! My favourite is the Pencil Check in Navy by Michael Miller Fabrics on the top tightly followed by the Metro Living Circles in Navy underneath, so cool!

And I got my November Stack to course, just didn't have time to blog about it until now. This month was all about orange, a color I have a very strange relationship with. I used to really, really dislike it until an apartment we rented a year or so back (you rent fully furnished here in Malta) had a bathroom all white tiles but with bright orange accessories in it like towels, carpets etc. And I was in love, that little room made me so happy whenever I'd walk into it! Now we have an orange bathroom again by my choosing and orange on the balcony so I think we have to conclude I'm a big orange fan now. =)

I was super excited to get my first Lizzy House Print, but my favourite this time around was the one at the bottom, Haystack in Tangerine - Madrona Road by Violet Craft.


  1. Så härligt med lite nya läckra tyger!!!

  2. De är bara sååå härliga och det måste vara som att få en jättefin present varje gång de dyker upp i lådan!

  3. What lovely fabric! I love orange, too!


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