
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Cellphone Case For A Friend

One of my friends saw my cellphone case  the other day and really liked it, and asked where she could buy one. I thought she looked kind of disappointed when I said it was home made so it wasn't available to buy.  I of course secretly immediately decided to make one for her! Seeing how little time to sew I've had lately it was a perfect "sewing break to keep my sanity" project ^^

She's a really cool girl, so I didn't want to make her something too cute and girly like mine, so instead I opted for a modern feel but still with a few, cute details like the little buttons, the little loops detail and the swirly quilting. I really wish I had found some grey Velcro but none was to be found so I had to settle for white =)

I really hope she'll like it =)


  1. Naturligtvis kommer hon att älska det! Det blev urläckert, verkligen! Härlig tvist du har satt på det med band och knappar och den härliga quiltningen.
    Tusen kramisar

  2. Stilren och fin!

    Visst är det en härlig känsla att få överaska!!!


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