
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Revisiting Cubes Revisted ^^

I'm competing in this weeks Quilting Gallery contest under the theme Modern Geometric with my Cubes Revisited Wall Hanging. You can read a bit more about it and see some additional photos in the original post.

I'd like to ask you all to hop over there and vote for the ones you feel deserve to win. You get three votes this week so I'm hoping of course that my little quilt (it's actually little, only 19,5" square) will stand up to the incredibly fierce competition and maybe get one of your votes ^^


  1. Den är såååå fin och nu har jag "votat" på dig! Jättekul sätt att visa upp sina quiltar på, tycker jag!

  2. That is really super cool. I'm going to go over there right now.


Comments really make my day, thank you for taking the time! <3