
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Beautiful Gifts & Summer Squares

I just want to start out by saying that I'm so lucky to have so many wonderful people in my life!

When I was at the quilt retreat this summer, I fell in love with some adorable fabric Anki was sewing equally adorable things with, really cute frogs (she loves frogs!) and beautiful matching fabrics. And when she'd finished up her things she was making with it, she gave what she had left of all the fabrics to me! I was so happy! I can totally see all the cute little baggies I'll be making from these! Thank you so very much Anki! <3 There where a lot more then what can be seen in the pic.

On the same note my beloved mother (who is much to generous for her own good) saw me swooning over her Puttin' on the Ritz jelly roll, as I had no idea what pretty, non childish fabrics this collection contained! Such stunning fabrics. And she gifted it to me! I can't stop looking at it, I know I want to make something stylish for the living room with it, I just don't know exactly what yet ^^
Thank you so very much mom, you know how much I love you! <3


A couple of days ago I also received  an email from Tina Leahy who had made her own, stunning version of my Summer Squares Quilt from the tutorial found on Moda Bakeshop. Isn't it stunning? I love what she did with the little thin green border to frame it all before adding the big border to give it a more usable size, she shared with me that she got the idea from Sew'n Wild Oaks Blog.

Thank you so very much for sharing your beautiful creation with me Tina!


  1. Fantastiskt ljuvlig version av din Summer Squares och läckert med kanten till! Grodtyget är ju sååå härligt och det du kommer att göra av det tyget kommer du att bli så glad av varje gång du ser!
    Älskar dig såååå!

  2. Det blir spännande att se vad du syr av Anki-tygerna.
    Hur ska en mamma-Eva kunna motstå att ge dig "remsorna"....
    känner igen det där fenomenet nämligen :o)

  3. Jättemysigt täcke...och man blir så glad av att höra att du är så glad och tacksam....blir ju tårögd juh!!

    Kramkram...från "moster Annika"

  4. Your gift it's so beautiful, I like it vey much, I also bought one at cheap wedding dresses
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    beautiful at there. I think you will be love it too.


Comments really make my day, thank you for taking the time! <3