
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Tovas dress is finished!

My sewing student Tova has finished her dress! She was so patient with the final stages and hemmed the whole thing by hand ever so neatly! She's such a great student and I couldn't be prouder, she learns so quickly! You couldn't believe that she's only had two terms of sewing classes and that she a year ago had never used a sewing machine!


We had to take it in quite a lot, she's a very small person ^^

Hemming and hemming...

Closeup of her neat hem and beautiful ruffles.

Our classes are always so much fun and I too learned a LOT making this dress as I normally don't sew clothes (in fact, I generally very much dislike it) and it's been such a fun project! =)


  1. Åh, så jättefin den blev!! Toppen! Är inte alls förvånad att Sara blev så förtjust och ville ha en hon också - så nu vet du vad som väntar under sommaren;-)
    Hälsa sömmerskan att vi är sååå imponerade av hennes kunskaper och läckra resultat.

  2. I love this dress!!!! It is absolutely gorgeous.


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