
Friday, May 11, 2012

Quilting and quilting my rainbow

So I've been working so hard on my latest secret project, and I have to say it's coming out great, the FMQ challenge has really paid off I think! I'm extremely proud to announce there's not a single bubble or plucker at the front OR the back and I'm pretty much done apart from a few small sections! *beams with pride* I can't wait to show you all this quilt!

Here's one of each  color of thread I've been using apart from the green and white which for some reason was didn't want to be in the photo ^^ It's also my first time quilting with one color thread at the front and another at the back, it's been a bit tricky to get the thread tension right but I think it's coming out great.

Diana is very bored with me because I haven't had any time for her at all and she's not been allowed to help me quilt this quilt as I didn't want to risk quilting in any cat hairs as they're such a hassle to get out. So she's been helping me "measure" from a distance and when she's done "measuring" she's snuggled up as close to the quilt as I've allowed her to get and looked at me when I'm working =)


  1. She's so beautiful! And so obedient; if my mum wants her cat to stay away she has to lock her out, I can't believe yours stays at a distance, like a dog! Can't wait to see this quilt!

  2. That is quite a rainbow of colors you have there! Looking forward to seeing the finished quilt!

  3. I'm really looking forward to your revealing the secret project! The threads make me think you're working on something fab. And what an interesting looking cat you have! She looks soft, maybe she is fluffy?

  4. Diana är sååå duktig som håller sig på avstånd - förståndig flicka! ;-)
    Ska bli mycket spännande att få se resultatet. Mycket läckra färger i min smak finns det där, ser jag.


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