
Friday, April 6, 2012

Celebrating over 100 followers giveaway!

It's so much fun to cross that magic 3-digit line and I've been saying to myself that when that day comes, I have to celebrate it with a giveaway! =)

But since I'm one of those people who don't have a huge fabric stash and  most of the stuff I buy is earmarked for a special project, I had such a hard time deciding what to give away! The solution came to me in the shape of Tova, she suggested I gave away the extra fabric I had left from making my favorite bag!

The Kitty Yoshida City Girl fabrics are some of my favorites, such lovely, wearable colors! They go with jeans, they go with mocha, they go with anything! I had around ½ yard left of both of them so that's in there and I also added about a fat quarter of two other light green fabrics in the spirit of spring to the bundle since I didn't have anything but scraps left of the light blue I used. I might sneak in something else in there too, but I haven't decided what just yet ^^

I try to keep Diana away from my stash but everything from our home comes with the risk of cat hair, so if you're super allergic, this giveaway might not be for you.


So enough of this rambling, how do you win?

It's very simple, you don't have to be a follower, you don't have to do anything special, just please make sure you're not a no- reply blogger since then I can't contact you if you win. =)

1. Just leave  a comment on this post and you're entered!

2. And since this is a follower celebration giveaway, my followers of course get one extra chance to win so just post a separate comment saying you're a follower. New followers too of course!

Winner will be announced in about a week and I ship to any place in the world. I also want to reach out and *hug* all my followers, it's so much fun to know that someone is actually reading what I'm writing and every time you comment, you make my day!
Thanks everyone, I love you! <3


  1. Congrats on your milestone!! And thank you for the giveaway! Yes I would love your beautiful leftovers ! :)
    I love the bag, great job. I have the patterns, but haven't tried making it yet. It looks great!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Congratulations on reaching the milestone of 100 followers! (There are even more today, I noticed.) Thank you for the lovely giveaway. And I'm ever grateful for your Fancy Folded Star Tutorial.

  3. Congratulations on your 100 followers!

  4. Your bag si beautiful ! Thank you for the giveaway !

  5. Congratulations! How exciting to graduate into the "medium-sized blog" category. I've had your blog bookmarked for a while, but lemme check if I'm a "follower"....

  6. I'm a follower now! Thanks for the giveaway.

  7. Congratulations on your 100 followers! I can't resist to take the chance to win those beautiful fabrics.

  8. Det tyget har jag sett då du sydden i Våmhus :o)
    Håller tummarna.
    Önskar Dig och din familj GLAD PÅSK!!!

  9. Congratulations on reaching 100 followers! Thanks for the giveaway.

  10. Congratulations - 100 followers, that's great. :) I love the bag. Thanks!

  11. Congratulations!
    I love the bag you made!

  12. 100 followers is a great milestone, congrats!! The fabric is so yummy and your bag is super cute!

  13. And I'm a new follower! Looking forward to another blog to read. :)

  14. Congratulations! Thanks for the giveaway!

  15. I love that bag you made! The fabrics are beautiful!

  16. What lovely colors! Good choice of fabrics!

    Heatherburdett at gmail dot com

  17. Double checked and I am now a public follower. ^^

  18. LOKI just kept reading your past blogs and forgot to enter my name and email...
    Kari dot stewart at me dot com...

  19. I love your blog and knew I would be a follower when I saw your beautiful kitty on your header (!!!) as well as your Sunkissed Quilt that was on the Moda website. I've got my Sunkissed quilt done except for the appliqué part (I'm not very confident about doing it and I don't want to mess up as this will be a quilt for my niece who is graduating from high school in May so I've been dragging my feet for the last month). I'm thinking that tomorrow I will review some appliqué tutorials on YouTube and give it a go as May is right around the corner....keep your fingers crossed for me (and my niece)! Congratulations on reaching 100 followers!!!

    1. Awww, thank you! <3

      The applique part really isn't as scary as one would think and since it's on it's own separate section the big one - you don't have to be all that nervous as you could theoretically just toss it and start over if needed =)
      I recommend half a glass or so of good wine before you start if you enjoy wine as it's a good way to relax a little and get those curves smoother ^^

      I'll keep all fingers crossed for you here, best of luck with it, I'm sure you'll do great!

    2. Thanks so much for your suggestion!! I FINALLY got the middle section done yesterday (I don't have a sewing room, so I have to drag out the sewing machine and ironing board every time I want to sew and then my kitties have to look at everything I'm trying to work on and then they try to walk on it and sleep on it, and then my husband needs something.....sheesh!!!).

      I really did make the appliqué a bigger deal than it was - you were was actually quite fun. I have to tell your that I thought your glass of wine suggestion was great, but then I goofed up one of the smaller leaves pretty bad and I had a GIANT wad of thread that I had to spend half-an-hour trying to remove without putting a hole in the background fabric. Now its pretty funny, then it wasn't.

      Today my goal is to put the whole quilt together (I'm going to have to put the little fur ball kitties in the other room and try to ignore them crying outside the "sewing room" door begging to come in...they love it when I sew!). I'm thinking this should get done pretty quickly.

      I would like to send you a picture to show you the quilt (I think it already looks pretty good in three pieces) but I need to get my husband to help me figure out how to take a digital picture and how to get it into the computer since I don't have a clue how to do this.

      Thanks so much for replying to my post and for your encouragement! I didn't expect it and it was a great surprise.

      I can't wait to see your next pattern!!

    3. So glad to read that you managed with the applique without too much trouble (there always have to be one big ball of thread emergency per quilt anyway I think, it's like a law of nature ^^).

      I hear you about the difficulties of not having a sewing room, I lived like that for years before I finally decided I had to prioritize and make myself one. Since we've moved quite a lot I've had a "sewing room" in anything from a box room to guest-room to a corner of the living room and it's not always an ideal situation with the cat =) She's normally allowed to "help" but for some parts she gets to stay on the other side of the door.

      I'm really looking forward to seeing your finished quilt! I hope your husband can help you with the photo as I'm so excited to see it.

      I can't wait to release my next pattern! However, life has gotten in the way of my quilting and sewing lately so it might be a few more months before that will happen =)

  20. Your fabric choice is gorgeous :) Well done on 100++ followers. Thanks for the chance to win! amysalbums2004[at]yahoo[dot]com

  21. I am a follower :) Love your bag too by the way. Just my sort of colours.

  22. Hiya! Thanks for the chance to win, and well done on 100 followers!

  23. Congrats on 100+ followers! Great giveaway!! Thanks for
    the chance to win!!

  24. I am a new follower. Glad I found you!!

  25. Congratulations on 100 followers.

  26. I can see why your favorite bag is your favorite. Congratulations on reaching the milestone of 100 followers. The fabric you've selected is very pretty - thanks Tova for the suggestion!

  27. Congratulations on 100 followers! The bag you made is beautiful - it is a great color combination. Thanks for the chance to win!

  28. Congratulations! Great giveaway. Thanks.

  29. I've been following you. Thank you for the giveaway.

  30. Great fabric- thanks for the giveaway!

  31. I'm brand new to quilting and have been stalking blogs this past month to build up the courage to actually make my first I need to build up a stash too!

    Thanks for the chance...and for all the information you kindly share with newbies like me.

    shel704 at aol dot com

  32. Congratulations - oh and the bag is lovely

    Thanks for the opportunity to win

    cleo (AT)

  33. Congratulations on reaching over 100 followers! I am thinking I will need to have a giveaway once I reach 100 also!

  34. Sou seguidora e adoro sorteios,

  35. Congratulations on this great achievement!! Looks like a lovely prize and thanks for the giveaway :)

  36. And I am a new follower too--love your Star Ornament Tutorial--next Xmas!

  37. Congrats on great achievement!

  38. Congratulations on 100-- well, make that "127"! :-) Thank you for the chance to win!! :-)

  39. Congratulations on reaching a blogging milestone. Lovely giveaway.

  40. complimenti 100 persone che ti seguono!....e adorooooooooooooo i giveaway


Comments really make my day, thank you for taking the time! <3