
Thursday, April 19, 2012

And the winner is...

So sorry for the delay in this! Things have been crazy (again) and I haven't had time to sew or blog anything at all! Thanks to everyone who entered and most welcome to all my new followers!

It's time to announce our lucky winner and it's no one less then:

Who said:
 Hiya! Thanks for the chance to win, and well done on 100 followers!

I've sent you an email requesting your shipping address.

And since blog posts without pictures are very boring, here's some of the beautiful Calla Lilies that are blossoming all over our little island atm. These I got from my local flower shop for the whopping price of €1.50 =)


  1. Eek, how exciting! Thank you!

    You're so lucky having calla lillies, puts our daffodils to shame!x

  2. Thanks for a great giveaway and congratulations to Libby!


Comments really make my day, thank you for taking the time! <3