
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Little kitty growing up and Sweden trip

Remember this little guy that we rescued a few months back?

He was named Pjutin by his new owner and had mange, fleas, ringworm etc. You name it this poor little fella had it. Well luckily he was a fighter (and luckily non of us humans got the ringworm, my hands where raw with disinfectant for a while there) and after 2 weeks in our bathroom he went to live with his new owner. His owner is a friend of ours who just moved to Malta and works from home so he really needed someone to keep him company as much as little Pjutin needed an owner. He has quickly adapted to his new life with Jan and is a super cuddly, purring little bundle of love with his owner, while still quite scared of other humans though.

I got this photo from Jan yesterday, look what a handsome young fella he's growing up to be! 

He was neutered a few weeks ago which went over all expectations and been to the vet for all the tests we could think of. I was terrified he'd have Sandfly (Leishmaniasis), a very common and deadly disease nearly all stray animals get infected with here but luckily he wasn't!

I'm so happy for him and Jan =)

On another note,  I'm currently in Sweden for a wedding (it was very nice, will get some pictures up ASAP) and to spend some time with our families. Might be a few less blog posts then usual the upcoming weeks and they may be on the more personal plane then usual, just a little heads up =) However, I'm hoping I'll be lucky to get some quilt related stuff happening too.


  1. Ohhhh...så söt liten katt!
    Växt till sig riktigt ordentligt minsann.

    Ses vi i Våmhus i sommar? vore kul att träffa dig. Jag är "slav" båda veckorna och ser verkligen fram emot detta. Är en "servicemänniska" och gillar att passa upp få människor omkring mig att må bra!
    Kram och ha en trivsam och trevlig Sverige-visit.

  2. Givetvis ses vi i Våmhus! Det ska bli så roligt att äntligen få träffa dig! =)

    Va kul, så du är slav, kan tänka mig att det finns värre öden ^^ Längtar så tills det är dags för Våmhus, en av de bästa veckorna på året utan tvekan!



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