
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I'm back from Sweden, with fabric =)

I'm back from a lovely vacation in Sweden. I had a fantastic time with friends and family and I even had time to do some fabric shopping (lucky me! ^^).

I bought two very pretty and very cheap (I normally hate sales, but not when it comes to fabric) table runners that hopefully very soon will be transformed into something completely different combined with the plastic curtain eyelets in the picture.

I bought a lovely Tonga Treats pack that I know exactly what to create with, it'll be turned into some very cool stars =)

I also ended up buying some fun novelty wine prints, and a number of very cute rivets and some more eyelets. The eyelets, rivets etc are in the hopes of that I finally this year on my week of quilt retreat (only one and  a half week to go, yay!) will create some cool bags. I always think that "this year I'll make bags" but I end up making big quilts instead... So I figured if I tell you guys my plans, I have some pressure on me to actually create a bag or two this year ^^

And FINALLY got to buy another bottle of 505 basting spray which was very, very fortunate as I'm totally out and no one (if you know anyone who does in Europe, pretty please let me know) ships this to Malta.

I got to see some of my fantastic mothers works in progress which each one is more fantastic then then next, just wish she'd start finishing up all her lovely tops so she'll show them off on her blog soon =)

I'll make another post soon with some more personal updates on what we've been doing =)


  1. Härlig Tonga!
    Väskor ska sys i Våmhus...då är jag på plats och får följa projektet på plats :o) Spännande!

  2. Jaha, så fick man sig en känga igen då! Jag vet, jag vet, men tiden räcker inte till och jag är alldeles för nyfiken på nya saker hela tiden. You know me!

  3. *hihi* Ja, jag tänkte väl försöka "motivera" dig lite kära mor ^^

    Visst är Tongorna härliga! Älskar de klara regnbågsfärgerna och batik är ju en av mina stora kärlekar. Det kan nog bli spännande med mitt väsksyende, jag får ingen logik i processen ännu, men jag håller på och mjukstartar lite här hemma nu för att komma in i väsk-skapar-processen =)


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