
Saturday, May 7, 2016

16 Blocks Done!

Really happy to finally have 16 blocks (out of 24 so yes I know, I'm behind *lol*) finished for The Splendid Sampler!

I'm having so much fun with this but I'm constantly behind, I really hope I can get a few days soon and really catch up! =D

This one really killed me with the embroidery, I started working on it the day it was released and didn't finish it until yesterday, I'll willingly admit, I grew tired of it and I got sloppy... It just wasn't fun anymore and the fabric got a little distorted as I had to embroider it after piecing.  Not a fan of this one, hopefully after some time, I'll be able to appreciate it, if not, it will go in the discard pile and I'll replace it with something else. =)


  1. LOL I say that to myself and anyone else that's with me when I'm making something!

  2. How besutiful!!


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