
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

2016 Finish - A - Long Goals for Q2!

So for the second quarter of the 2016 Finish - A - Long my proposed finishes are as follows, hopefully I will finish more then 1 this time around, so I'm aiming for a grand 3! ;)

1. I really hope to finally finish my Hexie Tablerunner from Q1 that I didn't manage to finish.

2. I want to finish making my new backpack design and pattern of lovely Tula Pink Eden Fabrics! I'm very excited about this one! I think it will be super cool! =D

3. I hope to finish quilting long time WIP the Chameleon Bali Pop quilt. One should never let a quilt lie for this many years.... I'm ashamed.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! So do I, it's just all that pesky hand sewing standing in my way *lol*


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