
Monday, October 12, 2015

The Flamingo Quilt

My love absolutely loves Flamingos, and therefor of course he had to have his own Flamingo Quilt! So before his birthday this summer I went to quilt camp and I made him my to date by far most difficult quilt! I even had to bring in my mother for help with the satin stitch for the applique! Thank you mom! <3

 (for some reason all images are very badly compressed by blogger, please click them to see the proper photo)

But it was totally worth it, he was so happy when he got it! =D He turned 36, so it was exactly 36 different hues of pink and red used. I started out by making and taking my 5" squares and adding vliesofix to them.

I then drew out the bird on the fabric and started placing my cut triangles, let me tell you, fitting and placing these triangles took me 6 days of work from sunup to sundown at quilt camp! And sun doesn't set in these parts of Sweden until 23 at night. ^^

I kept adding and adding triangles until I dreamed of them =) I used wash away glue to hold them in place while I was trying out colors, before ironing down the vliesofix. I had no idea getting the triangles to fit perfectly would be so time consuming, if I had, I might have rethought the idea as I only had 2 weeks to finish this baby.

Here she's really starting to take shape =)

Had to redesign my original sketch for her face as the triangles just got too small!

The disaster struck! The darn iron decided to shoot out a gush of rust coloured goo all over her feet! I cried a little and then I washed and washed and manage to get most of it out. Here's the drying photo but you can still see the stains! However, luckily a little change of pose for her leg solved the issue and the stains where hidden away.

I freemotion quilted it all on my mothers machine, calm waves for the water and clouds for the sky, came out really nice once we'd sorted out the issues with the FMQ foot and settings on the machine.

It's such a pretty quilt and I'm so proud of it! I even hand stitched the binding (which we all know in my eyes is just a killer), that's how much I love him and the quilt ;)

The back is of course also Flamingos =)

Happy recipient! =)

Her pretty head finished.

There are even little circles around her foot where she's standing =)

If you're looking for the Bring the Basics Bag pattern GIVEAWAY, it's just one post down, here =)


  1. wow, a lot of beautiful work !

  2. Wow vad fin! Du är så himla duktig!

  3. Wow, vilken läcker flamingo och kvittningen är verkligen toppen!!! Grattis till en fantastisk kvilt.

  4. sTunning! wow! thank you so very much for sharing! Love it!!! :)

  5. This is simply stunning! I'd love to adapt this for a baby blanket

  6. Wow that is amazing! I've always loved flamingoes too. Gorgeous quilt, I don't really understand how you did it!

  7. That is one gorgeous quilt. And I like that you husband loves flamingoes! 😊


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