
Monday, January 5, 2015

I'm alive and I have sewn =)

My life has been nothing short of a roller coaster lately, so I've not had any time for sewing or crafting really. However, when I had to buy a new laptop, the little fellow of course needed a laptop sleeve. So when I visited my mother, one had to be created when I had the chance to borrow her sewing machine and to botanise in her many shelves of lovely fabric. =)

I really love how it turned out, while it started out as "I just have to make something to cover it with and keep it from getting scratched" ended up as something much more elaborate and fun! My mother and I made up the design together as I went along that evening, and we truly had a lovely time of it despite the fact that it was very late before I finished it. I had such a blast making it and I absolutely have to make a pattern for it when I have some spare time and am reunited with my beloved and so sorely missed Horizon again. <3

Me doing the photography, however there was no sun whatsoever for days here so the quality of the photos where really not good sadly. However, I really wanted to share this with you so they'll have to do, as I'm afraid the poor thing already has seen too much travel to hold up for a new photo session before taking a turn in the washing machine ^^

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