
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Easter Eggs Become Quilt Inspiration

Easter passed by in a scary blur of work combined with more work. But I did have some time to play around and color Easter eggs for the Easter lunch at our friends house. I was in charge of deviled eggs among other things, so I ended up spicing them up a little with fancy patterns. Found the tutorial for them here, very easy to do and such a fancy result.

I felt that the combo of yellow-green, dark blue and white in that bowl was so pretty that I just had to go and pick out fabrics for a quilt in the same color scheme! It's for a baby quilt I'm planing on doing. =D Inspiration comes from the weirdest places doesn't it? Had some help from my trusty sewing student Tova with the choices, she's been here and sewed her final item for year 9 which I will blog about shortly.

It was an amazing feeling! This was the first time I've ever been able to choose all the fabrics for a quilt from my stash, and I've never been so excited! Such an awesome thing that I immediately decided to gift myself an increase in my Stash Stack Club subscription to 12 FQ each month as my birthday present this year =D


  1. Vad toppencoola era ägg blev - och att de sedan gav sådan inspiration! Kul! Ser ut som om du plockat ut tygerna innan och sedan färgat äggen efter dem.

  2. Those are fabulous colors!! I love the Stash Stack Club!

  3. Cool eggs, and pretty fabric!

    I put a link to your blog in mine.

  4. Färgskalan är ju riktigt, riktigt snygg, tycker jag, trots att det är grönt med ! Å äggen var ju jättehärliga!



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