
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The only use my poor quilt rulers have seen lately...

... is as wallpapering tools :(

We've been super busy lately, we're redesigning one of our games and it's taking all our time, all work and no quilting for me. We stole some time one day a few days ago to redecorate our home a little by adding some wallpaper.Walls here in Malta are 99% of the cases always just a bright white, it's a very depressing, hospital like feeling so we decided to go for some wallpaper on a couple of walls to get a more homey, inspirational work and living environment. An awesome move if I may say so myself. =)

We did however choose some seriously difficult wallpapers to put up, they where terrible work to get to match up perfectly.

Love the wallpaper we chose for the bedroom, it's a purple python pattern, sounds horrible I know but so much fun, you can't help but smile when you enter our bedroom now and it actually works really great I think. Can't wait to have time to design a purple quilt to go with it. I have the design all sketched up, just no time to actually make it... Will try and get some nice pictures of the finished areas once I have had time to clean.


  1. Det är väl kanonbra att de kommer till användning på något sätt istället för att bara ligga där och titta på dig! ;-) Det blir kanonfint, ju! Den grå är min stora favorit.
    Tusen kramisar

  2. Det ser verkligen jättefint ut Maria! Ps. ser också ut som en läcker blondin i bilerna! :)


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