
Monday, September 24, 2012

Stash Stack Club - September

I just received my September Stash Stack from Pink Castle Fabrics! Like with the July one, I couldn't possibly be more pleased with the fabrics or the fast shipping! Sadly my August stack has gotten lost in transit somewhere... But I haven't given up hope yet! =)

The fabrics are lovely, the variations of the color is really wide and the fabrics are so modern and fresh feeling! My favorite this time around is the Kiss Dot in Aqua (Michael Miller Fabrics) for sure tightly followed by the Clown Stripe in Aqua (Michael Miller Fabrics), but all are truly gorgeous! =)

The stash stack club is so much fun, it's like Christmas once a month and since the kind people over at Pink Castle packs mine so flat, I can pick it up directly in my mailbox with no hassle from customs! <3

1 comment:

  1. Bra företag som vill hjälpa till med packningen av dina fina tyger - så att du kan få dem i brevlådan istället. Väldigt läckra är de - fast de är turkosa!;-) När ska du börja använda upp dessa då?


Comments really make my day, thank you for taking the time! <3