
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

2012 Free Motion Quilting Challenge - March

I'm alive! Work has been killing me again, we've celebrated our first game, PonyIsland's 8th birthday on the 13th of March and I couldn't be more excited! It was a ton of work and fun, we had contests and lots of updates and releases replaced the last pieces of the game that was actually 8 years old =)

We're also starting to settle in our new apartment and better late then never - I've unpacked my sewing room! Naturally I celebrated with some free motion quilting! =)


Regarding the challenge, I skipped February for now, the month I was most excited about so far, those beautiful feathers are still haunting me!  I really hope I'll be able to come back to it soon and do it as I so badly want to learn how to do them.

This months tutorial was by the talented Ann Fahl, and it was a shout out to us to encourage more creative filler designs then the common stippling and meandering =)

She gave us a number of designs to try and I have to say I felt very comfortable with all of them from the beginning, and again I skipped the sketching part and went straight to the machine (naughty me!), and especially now after my long forced break from my beloved Horizon it felt like being back where I belong. I was so happy to be quilting again!

My first attempt at the designs she suggested:

Since I hadn't quilted in a while I at first forgot to use my "home made teflon slider" sheet and in this image you can really see what a huge difference it makes! The first little section in the rectangle was quilted before I realized why my technique was so poor all of a sudden! You can clearly see how much better and even my quilting became after I got my sheet in place and my little sandwich  didn't drag and snag =)

I really liked the swirls a lot and the extension design of them, the flowers where really fun too, can totally see myself using these in the future. 

I will practice it a more, I just really wanted to get my post up before  the month was over this time =)

EDIT: So I had to play some more with this months challenge and ended up breaking out my drunkards path templates for the very first time and whipped up what's going to become two pillow's with some of my Ruby, so I'd have something "real" to try it on. Drunkards path was sooo much easier to make then I'd feared, it's so much fun to sew curves! =D
This is my first one, still contemplating what to do for borders. I got a lot of inspiration from Judi over at Green Fairy Quilts for this with her intricate and wonderfully free quilting style:

Unfortunately the light was disappearing so the photos are not the best, will quilt some more and try to upload more soon. I was really good and didn't unpick a single stitch, despite my fingers itching when it went a little of track =)

If you haven't taken the pledge yet, it's not to late, you can join up now to become a better free motion quilter and have the chance to win fabulous prizes!!  


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a nice comment. I have to do the same here as I am loving your quilting! This is a lot of fun and I love being able to use the machine I already have in such a creative way! I almost bought a Horizon, but settled on the 6600 and don't regret it at all. This is my second Janome in 10 years and I still use my other one for taking to classes. Hope to see more of your work next month!

  2. Great FM quilting, especially on the pillow.

    Don't be afraid of trying feathers! I was--and after I did the February FM challenge, I realized how silly it was to be so scared. For some reason, feathers had become the most intimidating design for me to try.

  3. Thanks everyone! =D

    Thank you for your advice and encouragement Laura, I can't wait to try the feathers now, my hesitation over feathers is probably just as irrational as my fear of sewing curves =)

  4. Hur superfint som helst! Du är så jätteduktig på detta.
    Varma kramar från Pirjo och Mia som är på Syfestivalen i Sandviken och bara myser.....

  5. Your flowers, stars and swirlies are so much fun! I'm late in joining the FMQ Challenge and the March tutorial has already been removed, so I've come sneaking over here to see what it was... Thanks for posting these photos of your practice piece!


Comments really make my day, thank you for taking the time! <3