
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Baby Crawling Mat

My dear friends had a baby this summer, adorable baby Alessandra! 
She's now big enough to start rolling around and they apparently had been searching high and low for a big, square rolling/crawling mat, something soft enough to make sure she doesn't hurt her head when she drops it on the tiles and with a little edge so she doesn't roll off ^^ 

So they asked me if I could make one and of course I could! So I went out with her father and he got to choose the fabrics, isn't it adorable, one fluffy brown side and one with bright pink fleece. The fleece is quilted together with the batting in lines. Bought some polyester batting at the same store and please kill me if I ever do that again, it was absolutely TERRIBLE to work with! It stretched and pulled and as you can see on the lines, horrible to work with despite the most serious pin basting I've ever done. And on another note, we bought and paid for 2 meters of each fabric and got home with less then 160 of one and 180 of the other...

Got this photo in a text the other day from a happy father with a satisfied little lady on her mat. =)


  1. Åh, vilken "tooor" flicka hon har blivit! Förutsättningarna för att något i syväg skulle bli rätt i "ditt" land står tydligen fast. Tycker att du lyckades jättebra trots förutsättningarna!

  2. Bebisen ser så nöjd ut. Tror inte hon ägnar någon tanke åt att "sytanten" hade det lite besvärligt under "resans gång"...och pappan är ju nöjd med sitt inköp....trots för lite tyg.
    Önskar dig en trivsam helg!


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