
Monday, November 21, 2011

On my "design wall" - Test block for Flurry

Last night I made a test block with my cut up Flurry pieces and decided that this was a quilt I had to do and  have done before December, seriously - look how cute the block is! 

So I ordered some backing (and some bleach white Bella solid as I was nearly completely out of white, something that always make me feel a little stressed out) from a place I haven't tried before: 

They where super quick and got back to me at 23 at night on a Sunday as they had a little less of the fabric then I'd ordered so they wanted to know what I wanted to do. Seems like an excellent store and the service so far is amazing, I keep my fingers crossed everything will go as smoothly and that I'll have a new place in the EU to shop for Moda fabrics, yay! =)

Anyhow, I decided to go with Snowfall in Snowdrift for the backing: 


  1. That backing will be just perfect, I belive. Have been looking around in your new little shop and I think I have to try it out next time my sewing-room has to be refilled. The parcel you´d made is lovely and the quilt will be perfect in Flurry. It´s such a lovely fabric! We are going to the jazzclub tonight listen to your sister!

  2. Hello Maria: I am about to start your Summer Squares quilt on the Moda Bake Shop! Very excited and I too am using Sunkissed, which I have loved for so long but never found the right pattern until Summer Squares. A question for you: in the tutorial(step 5, step A) you mention a downloadable version of the pattern, but I can't find it, can you help me? I'd rather use your template for the flower than go it alone. Thanks for your help and sorry to post my question here, didn't know if you were still reading the posts on the Bake Shop site. I like your blog. You're very talented!

  3. That's a perfect backing for your quilt. I like the way the block turned out, and that it would be easy enough to make in any size, maybe mix them up.


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