
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My first baby shower - Silly Kitties Baby Quilt

A couple of our very dear friends here in Malta are having a little baby girl in about a month. So this Friday I'm going to my very first baby shower! I'm super excited! However, since the dad of the family is Swedish and thinks a baby shower would be weird they've arranged a "Baby BBQ" (no babies will be barbecued I promise ^^) instead and the men are invited too. =)

I thought this was a lovely opportunity to finish up my Silly Kitties baby quilt, I ended up binding it with black Kona instead of the fabric I was hoping to use. I've also made a few matching onesies to go with it with little appliqued motifs.

I even made my very first label! I'm ashamed to admit I up until now always "forgot" to put one on...

The onesies, the baby is to be named Alexandra, hence the A and the doggy is because her parents are more dog then cat people so I figured it'd be good to balance out the cats a little.

On the back of the doggy one I put a big, pink pawprint on the tushie, isn't it adorable!

All wrapped up good and girly in pink tulle and ready to go. My first baby Shower/BBQ gift - I'm growing up ^^


  1. Så fint du sytt. Riktigt rosa och sött och rart. Tassavtrycket på ändan är ju helt bedårande charmigt!

  2. Håller med Pirjo: tassavtrycket tar ju alla pris! Helt bedårande! Allt är sååå rart och naturligtvis rosa. (Love it!)Vilka kan de lyckliga föräldrarna vara då?

  3. Tack söta ni! Det är Sigge och Olivia som ska ha barn. Det är få andra som skulle få den stora äran att få några av mina älskade kattpaneler ^^
    Som tur var har jag hälften kvar så jag kan göra en liknande quilt till om jag själv får en baby nån gång =)


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