
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Finally! A Finish! Poppy Log Cabin Table Topper

Remember this post: I said I wasn't going to play around ?

Well it's finally finished! Since I didn't have any orange thread at the time it remained unbound, and for some reason I'd decided to sew the binding down by hand (maybe because it's a table topper and will be closely looked at?) so once I got the thread I didn't really do the binding anytime soon XD But as of yesterday it's finished!

It's quilted on my old machine (the one that constantly changed thread tension on it's own and skipped stitches) with a walking foot so I'm really quite happy with it. =) The more I look at it the more I love this little quilt and the fabric in  it, it's really bright and happy and I LOVE poppies so it's right up my alley really.

The pattern comes from: if you want to make your own, it's really quick to make and much fun!

Kitty update: Apparently she doesn't have any stones or any atypic cells in the urine and it appears to be "just" a really nasty infection. So she's on antibiotics, painkillers and some kind of cramp solver to relax the urine bladder so hopefully this will take care of it.

1 comment:

  1. Det blev den första designen! Jättefin blev den! Kul att se när du trakterar färger som man inte riktigt kopplar ihop med dig, men visst är det kul! Vi hade en underbar lördag hos Anki och nu fick jag äntligen översidan till en rufskudde klar och det känns så bra! Sylusten är här igen - och det tack vare en massa bra kamrater, bland annat. Älskar dig och saknar dig men det är snart juni - tack och lov!
    Tusen kramisar


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