
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Back in Malta after 2 weeks in Sweden

So I'm back on my dear island. It's been a ton of fun but oh so stressful to visit family and friends in Sweden. And of course, not to be forgotten, pick up my new sewing machine (introductory post will come later) and attend the Syfestival! I'm very happy to tell you that my new Janome survived the journey in the plane's cargo hold. I was very, VERY worried about my new best friends health during the trip.

I've had so much fun with my dear mother (thank you for so many great laughs, all the inspiration and everything else mom! <3 ) at fairs and quilt stores and shopped so much fabric and quilting supplies so I think I'll have to spread it out over a few posts as I haven't got time to unpack and photograph it all in one go now. And I think it will be more fun this way anyway =)

I have a ton of work to do now as I just have had 2 weeks "vacation" Not truly vacation, I don't think you ever get that when you run your own business (have not been more then a plane rides length without my cellphone on in soon 7 years) but I've only taken care of the day to day stuff so I have a lot to take care of now. Hope I will have time to sneak in some sewing on my new machine through and play some with my new fabrics.

Before I leave you have have to show you what a wonderful family we met on the drive home from my maternal grandparents, this beautiful moose family. Look how close they where!  The red in the bottom of the picture is the roof of the car.

A mother and her twin calf's, they where so calm and friendly. I talked to them for quite some time and snapped over two hundred pictures before my fingers where so stiff from cold I couldn't press the button anymore. The pictures are sadly of quite poor quality as it was quite dark when we met them and I was shaking so from cold I couldn't hold the camera still. I've tried to adjust it so you can see them better so please excuse the image quality.

Beautiful mother moose stepped out of the shrubbery when I talked to her a little

She was great at posing for the camera, showed both her left side and her right ^^ Make sure you note what a beautiful condition she and her coat is in, she's stunning!

 Side view of her pretty face =)

 Baby moose had to stay in the forest, they where not allowed to come out and say hi.

It was a fantastic meeting! I'm so happy my family didn't mind waiting in the freezing car in -23 degrees Celsius the car while I was snapping pictures like crazy in nothing but my indoor clothes, it was totally worth every blue limb! More Sweden stories to come, now I have to work =)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, darling daughter! Miss you already and think we coult have had at least two more weeks! I know a lot of things we didn´t have time to do. Great to know that your mashine made it through the trip and that you are safe at home, all three of you. We really had a magical moment there with the mooses in the forest. They were beautiful.


Comments really make my day, thank you for taking the time! <3