This was one of many attempts at getting a romantic picture in front the Louvre, our jumping friend in the background made it very difficult ^^
Mona Lisa, the one and only:
The inverted pyramid in the Louvre (can you believe I had to crop the picture so I wouldn't have the terribly ugly mac apple store logo in it, since the store is situated right next to it?)
When in France do like the french right? We drank wine and ate baguettes =)
We attended a massive wine fair and tried hundreds of wines, champagnes, cognacs etc. and all this for the insanely cheap price of €6! We also had some lovely oysters there. After trying all those wines I thought my opinion of French wines would have improved a lot, sadly it did not. We found some decent wines we brought back but I'm just not into french wines. However, the whites (and of course the champagne was lovely) where much better then the reds, I found quite a few I really liked, however as I nearly never drink white it was red that was our main focus.
Notre Dame by night
I of course had to try eating snails, it was not bad nor good, tasted like garden sort of, soil and grass? But I don't think I'll order it again though.
Non optional romantic picture in front of the Eiffel Tower =)
And on a more related topic, I also found some very interesting quilt designs in the floor of the Louvre. There was everything from nine patches to stars =)
Såg verkligen härligt ut! Ni verkade ha både fint och mindre fint väder. Härliga bilder och jättekul att få se Andreas också! Kommer quiltinspirationen att översättas i tyg, kanske?