
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Welcome to my new blog!

I've now moved my old blog into this new flashy one that more reflects what my blogging will be about as my interests have switched a bit since I first started. "Not Only Quilts" will mainly revolve around quilting, but there will be room for some of my other interests too such as the Sami Jewelery, my beloved cats, and some other bits and pieces from my life and hobbies.

The header is a photo of my enormous Norwegian Forest Cat boy Edward cuddling up on my Crazy Rainforest quilt in our spare bedroom. He loves quilts and he loves rolling around on my fabric pieces, batting at strips and just generally being "helpful" when I sew.

I thought I'd show you his very own little convergence quilt which I made for him a couple of years ago at my very first quilt retreat. He loves it and it's been washed many, many times =)

So most welcome and I hope you'll enjoy this blog just as much as I do =)


  1. This will be lovely to follow further on. Just love your new rag-quilt. It´s really beautiful. Hopefully your new material will arrive soon so you will be able to continue your creativ era. Keep on going - so looking forward to what will come next.

  2. My first comment on my new blog! Thank you mom! <3

    I hope so too but luckily I've some unfinished stuff I can work on in the meantime =)


Comments really make my day, thank you for taking the time! <3