Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Many WIPs but not much work done

I have a big number of Works In Progress right now but work and Diana being sick has left me with very little time for crafts lately. Diana has some kind of infection in her bladder and it's most likely reached her kidneys and we're going in to do a urin sample directly from the bladder today to see what we're dealing with here. Hopefully nothing a big dose of antibiotics can't handle.

However, yesterday I actually got some sewing done which resulted in this pretty pile on my table.

Sunkissed by Sweetwater is such a fantastic line! I'm loving working with this fabric so much that I don't really want to finish this project =)


  1. Det är en hemlis än så länge, lovar att posta så fort jag får berätta =D

    *är så glad att hon knappt kan sitta stilla*


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